Official opening of the ToT Training
Official opening of the ToT Training

ToT Training in Leather Processing, Leather goods Manufacturing and Website Development is underway starting from 16th December 2018 for successive 9 days. The objective of the training is to capacitate SMEs on rural tanning, leather footwear and leather goods manufacturers.

The Trainings were officially opened by Her Excellency Dr. Mayada Sawar Al Dahab Minister, Ministry of  Human Development and Labor

The President of the Supreme Council for Human Development, Mrs. Mayadah Sawar Al-Dahab, visited the Center for Vocational Training and Business Skills on 16/12/2018. The purpose of the visit was to inspect the status of the Center and the employees. The Minister then met with the staff of the Center to discuss the issues of work and employees. The Presidency has promised to study these issues and to address what can be addressed to overcome all obstacles to achieving the objectives of vocational training.

Participants of ToT Training
Participants of ToT Training